Even tied to the dock our 40 foot catamaran the Ho’o Nanea looks sleek and fast. Ho’o Nanea means “to pass the time in ease and comfort.” This is a perfect name for our vessel as she is a dream to sail. The ancient Hawaiians sailed to Hawaii from Tahiti on catamarans and ever since these multihulled boats have proven to be perfect for Hawaiian waters.
Our brisk Hawaiian tradewinds keep the sailing exciting! Just because our boat is comfortable doesn’t mean she is boring. Depending on how much fun you want to have, you can either ride up forward on the net for a wet and wild time, or move back to the deck, where you can stay dry but still feel the wind in your hair as we ride the waves.
On the days when the wind doesn’t blow we use our very quiet and efficient motors to propel us across the ocean. It is not the same thrill of being driven by the wind but it gets the job done and there is no such thing as a bad day on the water with us!

Captain Don is the full time captain on the Ho’o Nanea. Finding some one who loves their job more than Don just might be impossible! Don came to the North Shore from Huntington Beach, California in 1977 and, as he puts it, “is still on his two week vacation!” This is one guy who does not watch the clock or count the days till his day off. In fact most of the time he seems to be having just as much fun as his guests.
Don is the perfect guide and loves to share his knowledge of the North Shore, the ocean, and what lives in the ocean. During his 30 years in Hawaii Don has been surfing, diving, windsurfing, sailing, fishing, and anything else that seems fun on the ocean. After all these years on the North Shore Don has some great stories and all though they may be a bit exaggerated, they are all mostly true! Captain Don puts his guests first and on these personal tours he really goes the extra mile.
Some of our crew play the Ukulele, but only if the guests enjoy it and request it! No audience participation required! On our cruise you can enjoy nature with your friends and the very friendly crew, or be left in peace to take in the evening glow with your partner.